Aniya Worrels: Life of an Observer

Aniya is 18 years old and attends Central High School. Aniya’s favorite hobbies include reading, traveling, meditating, and manifesting. She is a sprinter on the Central high track team. She is an outdoorsy person and loves being by the water. Aniya would like to move to the beach when she gets older.

Being a very down-to-earth person and an empath comes easily to Aniya. She says she is trying to be a more realistic person and be more present instead of being in her own head. Some things Aniya is passionate about include feminism, the Black Lives Matter movement, and climate change. She feels very misunderstood most of the time, but getting to know her shows she is a kind person. She is calm and enjoys being in the presence of those who are close to her.

Aniya wants to do something along the lines of psychology or forensic science. This is because she loves listening to people and is naturally drawn to helping people. She would also like to do her profession internationally. When she goes to college she wants to study abroad.

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